Melanie McGriff

How Much Therapy Does My Child Need?

Whether you just received a new diagnosis for your child, or you are a mommy or daddy pro at all things therapy related, there’s probably a question always in the back of your mind… How much therapy does my child need? A big question therapists are often asked is, “How long will my child need to…

Dear Therapy Parents…

Dear Parent, As a therapist, I have been chosen to work with many different children, and my job is my passion. I have the responsibility of educating parents and children about a disability, teaching parents how to interact with their children, providing parents with activities that help increase skills, and giving the best possible intervention. I am…

Melanie McGriff

Mommy, What’s Wrong with Him?

Have you ever encountered this question from your children when out in public and they see a child with apparent special needs? How do you respond appropriately? What is the best way to teach your child that there are differences among all of us? How can you encourage your child to include and befriend other children…

Four Tips for Surviving Your Child’s IEP Meeting

It’s IEP season, which we know affects many of you, so this week we welcome back our friend, Andi Sligh, mother of two children with special needs, to share her tips for a successful IEP meeting.  As a mom of a daughter with cerebral palsy and a son with Down syndrome, I’ve spent many hours in the last twelve years in…

Melanie McGriff

Four Reasons to Send Your Child to Special Needs Camp

Summer is approaching quickly, and Atlanta-area parents have lots of options for summer activities for their children. Sports and theater day camps, vacation Bible schools, and sleepaway camps are among the many options available for keeping kids busy during the summer break. But what about children with special needs? Many parents may be hesistant to…

Surviving the Early Years as a Special Needs Mom

This week we welcome back our friend, Andi Sligh, a guest blogger with a parent perspective. Andi is an ordinary mom living an extraordinary life on the Alabama gulf coast with a daughter with cerebral palsy, a son with Down syndrome, an adventurous husband, a wild Westie, a rescued Schnoodle, a camera, and a worn out pair of…

Early Intervention and Home Practice

Early Intervention… Do it now… The sooner the better… Practice and do therapy skills every day at home too! Yes…but does it really pay off in the end? Don’t take my word for it…listen carefully to the words of a parent who has been there and walked the path that many of you may be…